Leaning and Bowing Walls

Causes of Bowing Walls

Many basement walls, whether they’re masonry or concrete, fail over time or begin to bow. This problem is often caused by too much lateral pressure from the soil outside, but also can be a result of an inadequate original design. Poor drainage, uncontrolled water, poor waterproofing and over compaction of the soil can also cause your basement wall to bow or fail. Though leaning walls are common, they should not be overlooked. If you need repair services for bowing and leaning walls, count on KC Pro.

Damage caused by Bowing and Leaning Walls

Bowing or leaning walls can cause significant damage to your home. Primarily, they are unsafe, as leaning walls pose the threat of falling in. Bowing or leaning walls are also often accompanied by other signs of damage such as cracks that can allow in even more moisture, furthering the problem. The moisture in your home not only damages the bowing or leaning walls but also fosters mold and mildew growth, infecting the air your family breathes with harmful spores. These problems accompanied with unsafe bowing or leaning walls are harmful and should be taken care of.

Bowing and Leaning Wall Solutions

Because bowing and leaning walls are most often caused by moisture related problems, getting rid of the moisture in your home is the first step. KC Pro offers numerous waterproofing services such as interior and exterior waterproofing or crawl space encapsulation. We also offer wall crack injections to prevent further water from coming into your home. When soil gets wet, it expands, pushing your walls in and creating a bowing or leaning wall.

To fix bowing and leaning walls, you can count on the foundation repair specialists at KC Pro. We can install helical tieback anchors. This will help keep the soil around your home from causing too much pressure on the walls. These anchors are installed in the ground around your foundation with a plate inside the wall. They can then pull the wall back into shape and add support to the structure for years to come. Helical anchors can distribute this pressure, straighten your walls, and keep them from sustaining further damage. This can save you a lot of money in the long run. Your foundation is the most integral part of your home, keeping it in good shape will help with the safety and health of your home. So when you see bowing walls and leaning walls in your Kansas City home, don’t wait. Call us today.

Bowing or leaning walls are a severe issue that must be dealt with immediately. Don’t run the risk of allowing a leaning wall to sit and have it collapse. Call KC Pro to come take care of all of your bowing or leaning wall repair needs.